The heart is one of the most important organs of the body. It is the most hard-working system of the body which works 24/7 round the clock even during sleep. Yup! The cardiac system is the main body’s engine which helps in pumping and circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to all parts of the body. Such a hardworking system of the body needs extra care and attention.
GS Hospital, the best hospital in Delhi NCR promotes heart health through healthy lifestyle measures. Yes! Along with awareness about healthy lifestyle modifications for the cardiac system, it is important to focus on eliminating the bad habits that affect your heart health. This will directly have a major positive impact on cardiac health.
Some of the bad habits are very detrimental to overall health. GS Hospital, the best hospital in Ghaziabad, takes the initiative to boost awareness about the top 5 bad habits affecting your heart health. So, if you love your life truly, cross your heart now to read this blog on “How 5 bad habits affect your heart health?” Let’s begin to check out the heart-damaging habits and learn to overcome them in the right way.
Bad or unhealthy habits can take a toll on your health. It is important to follow healthy habits and eliminate the unhealthy ones. Let us know which are the top 5 unhealthy habits for heart health.
“Smoking is injurious to health” This is written on every pack of cigarettes. Yes! And this is true too! Smoking and alcohol are considered toxic for the body. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), it has been confirmed that smoking and alcohol are wholly responsible for 1 in 4 cardiovascular deaths. The toxins in tobacco smoke and alcohol can cause blockages with inflammation of the heart arteries leading to constriction of the blood flow.
It is very important to avoid any kind of addiction such as alcohol, smoking, or increase of caffeine intake for healthy heart functioning. Giving up on the addictions can be a tough task at times. Having firm control over your cravings for alcohol, smoking, and caffeine can work wonders to help you quit them. Ensure to gradually taper your smoking, alcohol, and caffeine habits until they come down to zero.
You are what you eat! Unhealthy diet has a negative impact on heart health. Consuming packaged food with high salt, oily, fatty, or fried foods can affect the entire nutritional value. Processed food like microwave meals has refined sugar which can directly trigger the sugar level.
Moreover, consuming oil, preservatives, trans-fat, and fried fatty food can cause a high rise in cholesterol affecting the arteries. It is important to avoid these foods and replace them with high-fiber foods such as green leafy veggies, oats, and fruits. High-fiber foods will help you absorb the bad cholesterol from the body which is detrimental to heart health.
It is essential to remember that consuming whole and processed food along with healthy fats are must for overall well-being. Opt for foods rich in omega fatty acids such as nuts, seeds, and fish which can boost HDL levels or good cholesterol levels.
Stress is common for all of us. Everyone goes through stress but it is important to control it. Long-term stress can cause a chronic build-up of stress which can directly cause a hindrance to the heart's functioning. Chronic stress releases a hormone called stress hormone or cortisol which increases blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammatory activity of the heart damaging overall health and well-being.
When we are stressed out and unable to control our stress levels, the majority of us reach out for excessive sugary things, alcohol, smoking, and caffeine to destress ourselves. These are considered unhealthy habits for heart and brain functioning. It is essential to cope with the stress in the right manner. Good coping mechanisms can help keep stress at bay.
As per research, it is confirmed that lack of physical activity can lead to heart issues. Any form of physical activity is a must for better heart function which improves the circulation levels. Moreover, obesity is directly linked to heart disease and other cardiovascular functions. People who are inclined to sit for long hours have a sedentary lifestyle. This increases the risk factors for heart issues.
A simple exercise like walking can work wonders not only for heart health but overall well-being of an individual. The American Heart Association (AHA) has confirmed that walking for at least 150 minutes a week can reduce the risk of heart issues. So, go active out there to keep your weight under control and prevent any cardiac issues. Sweat it out to feel better and motivated for overall well-being for heart and mind.
It is important to keep your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and sugar levels under control for a healthy heart. Blood pressure, cholesterol level, and sugar levels are the three important parameters to gauge the healthy functioning of the heart. Heart problems can come up anytime. Controlling these 3 parameters is essential for cardiac health.
Awareness about routine check-ups for the heart is a must for a healthy heart. It is important to consult your doctor regularly to identify any warning signs of the heart. Get your vitals checked regularly to keep heart disease at bay. Do not neglect your heart health at all.
Here is the reason why bad habits can affect the heart. Unhealthy lifestyle habits can affect the heart in many ways by disrupting the blood flow to all the organs of the body. Bad habits have a major impact on cardiovascular health by reducing the blood flow, oxygen supply, and nutrient supply to the other systems of the body which are essential for the harmonious and healthy functioning of the body.
Let us give you a sneak peek into how unhealthy or bad habits can affect heart health.
So, start with your basics by following healthy heart habits and unfollowing the bad heart habits to ensure optimal cardiac functioning.
Get ready and break free to follow a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to overcome unhealthy heart habits and embrace a beautiful life.