The heart is one of the most important organs of the body. It is a core of the body which helps in pumping blood to the vital systems. It is the only organ that works 24/7 round the clock even during sleep. It is important to look after your health for optimal functioning.
A heart test or cardiac screening is a must for a healthy heart. We have heard many real-life stories of young celebs falling prey to cardiac issues in spite of staying fit and regularly working out in the gym. In this context, GS Hospital, the Best Heart Care Center in Delhi NCR, takes the initiative to bring about cardiac health awareness among the people to maintain a healthy heart. The hospital firmly educates people globally about getting routine heart health check-ups regularly.
In this blog, we shall provide you with extensive information on the heart test that could save your life. Let us give you a sneak peek into the important cardiac test which is a must for a healthy heart. Before we take a deep dive into the important cardiac test, let us provide you with some valuable insights on the heart.
The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is a powerful fist-sized muscle that helps pump blood through an extensive network of blood vessels. The heart and the blood vessels together make up the cardiovascular system.
The heart is located in front of the chest and behind the sternum (breastbone) in between the right and left lung. The heart is situated mainly on the left side of the chest. The rib cage protects the heart.
The heat muscle consists of walls, chambers, valves, blood vessels, and an electrical conduction system. The heart is surrounded by pericardium which is a protective sac helping for lubrication and preventing rubbing of the heart to other organs.
The heart beats on an average of 72 times every minute which is over 100,000 times per day. Every minute blood, oxygen, and nutrients are circulated in the blood which helps in the further removal of waste products.
Wow, it is amazing to know about your heart functioning. Well, with this we conclude that the heart is a very important organ of the body that regulates the heartbeat and functioning of other systems of the body. The heart can never stop beating. It has to support each and every system of the body for healthy functioning in a harmonious manner.
In order for the heart to perform healthy functioning, it is important to monitor it with routine check-ups done regularly with certain cardiac tests. Here is a sneak peek into some important cardiac tests that can help save your life and prevent any cardiac issues.
Here are important cardiac tests that you must be aware of. Your cardiologist will provide you with the list of cardiac tests which is a must for you depending on your age, past medical or surgical history, and current existing conditions.
There are important series of tests which include lipid profile tests to check for cholesterol and blood sugar levels to check for diabetes. Blood tests are very important which allows measuring certain components in the body resulting in heart attack. Chemicals such as blood fats (cholesterol or triglyceride), vitamins, and minerals are very important for cardiac check-ups.
These blood tests are vital to avoid any problems related to heart disorders or even heart attacks. High blood sugar levels if left untreated can affect the heart. Regular checking of blood sugar levels is a must. Overweight and obesity also cause heart issues. It is important to monitor weight with a healthy diet and exercise.
The cardiac screening test is essential, especially in those cases where there is a strong family history of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, and other heart issues. Regular screening of certain parameters such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and urine examination are a must for cardiovascular diseases. This allows your cardiologist to know how your heart is functioning.
The cardiac risk and cardiac screening test is the basic test for gauging heart health. Based on the results, further testing and treatment can be decided.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a basic test to check for heart activity. The heart’s electrical impulses are read by the ECG. This gives an overview of how your heart is functioning. The main function of the heart is pumping blood which should be done in an efficient manner.
ECG procedure involves the placement of sticky tapes with wire leads which are applied to the arms and legs. The leads are then connected to the ECG machine which records and prints out impulses on the paper. This ECG is prescribed by the doctor to identify the possibility of a heart attack or irregular heartbeats which are termed arrhythmias.
Exercise Stress Test also known as stress test is a basic cardiac test that is carried out while you are working out on a treadmill. This allows the doctor to know how your heart functions during physical activity. It also checks the functional capacity of the heart during physical activity.
A coronary angiogram or angiography is a cardiac catheterization procedure where a tiny catheter is inserted into the groin, arm, or wrist. Your heart is reached once the catheter has been inserted through the artery. A dye is injected and an X-ray is obtained. This allows them to view any coronary artery obstructions which are revealed through an X-ray. A coronary angiogram is a particular test to determine how efficiently your heart is functioning.
The nuclear cardiac stress test is also known as exercise nuclear scan, dual isotope treadmill or exercise thallium scan. In this procedure, a radioactive injection known as a tracer is infused to allow the release of energy to the heart. This form of energy is captured by the specialized cameras outside the body in the form of an X-ray. This test allows us to know about the blood flow to the heart while at rest or with physical activity. It also helps in checking the blood flow to specific heart areas when muscle is damaged.
Heart Ultrasound or Electrocardiography is a form of X-ray that provides the internal view of the heart by your cardiologist. This is basically done by inserting a probe into the esophagus or onto the chest through the throat. This is an invasive technique that allows your doctor to check the heart chambers, valves, or any other heart issues to know how well your heart pumps.
An MRI helps in digital imaging by using radio waves through the application of powerful magnets. The heart view is captured through photographs. A specific dye is inserted during this procedure to check for the heart’s pathology and functionality.
Coronary computed tomography angiogram (CCTA) is a specific procedure to diagnose coronary artery disease using a specialized computer tomography scan. This is a non-invasive scan to help monitor cardiac activity.
Heart health check-ups are a must for a cardiac system to avoid the potential risk of heart attacks or any cardiac problems. It is important to analyze the causes of heart problems which can be done with regular cardiac tests mentioned above. The cardiac tests help in controlling and preventing some of the major heart problems which include the following:
The main underlying cause of cardiovascular heart disease is atherosclerosis which is the build-up of fatty plaques in the wall of the arteries. These plaques are mainly formed of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other substances. With aging, these plaques may harden, causing the narrowing of the arteries and restricting the blood flow. This affects the functioning of the heart. It may get complicated when the atherosclerotic plaque breaks and forms a thrombus or blood clot restricting the blood flow.
Making lifestyle changes is very important to keep the heart healthy. Here are some of the important steps that you can incorporate to bring about a positive change in your overall cardiac health.